
Opinion: North Carolina expanded Medicaid. Now what?

It’s going to be the community here in Northampton who will make it happen. We need to advocate for more: more clinics and more providers to deliver the healthcare that Medicaid covers. When new businesses set up shop, we should ask them to invest in the community’s health, knowing that they will benefit when all of us have access to the care we need.

RURAL ECONOMY - Cardinal & Pine

Josh Stein shares how he’ll support the agriculture industry during visit to Wilson County farm

“My philosophy is pretty basic,” Stein said. “Government can help create conditions for you to succeed, and that’s what we should do. Help you set standards, and make sure that there’s fair rules of the road, and they’re equally enforced, and then get out of the way, and certainly don’t create problems for ourselves.” 

RURAL ECONOMY - Cardinal & Pine

Op-Ed: How N.C. workers are changing the narrative on climate

For a long time, climate change has felt distant—something scientists study and activists march about. But as we look around our neighborhoods, and our daily lives, we realize the impact of climate change is not nine miles above our head at the ozone layer, but settling in right here at home. In Johnston County, as summers get hotter and the weather more extreme, it’s showing up in the form of high electric bills and the increasing need for home weatherization.

RURAL ECONOMY - Cardinal & Pine