A North Carolina woman says Mark Robinson’s latest ad is trying to soften his stance on abortion rights, but she says he’s an extremist who would support a total abortion ban.
When I saw Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson’s new ad earlier this month, I had to do a double take.
The Robinson I know has campaigned relentlessly about his opposition to abortion – labeling it “murder” and “genocide,” saying it “shouldn’t ever happen” and very publicly declaring if “I was the governor and had a willing legislature, we could pass a bill saying you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason.”
But the Robinson on my screen was sharing his own personal experience with abortion and – in direct and complete contradiction to his many vitriolic statements against abortion and the women who have them – he claimed to be less extreme on the issue than we all know him to be.
It’s clear why Robinson released the ad – he’s currently trailing Attorney General Josh Stein in the race to be governor and the vast majority of North Carolinians support abortion rights. But North Carolinians deserve honest leaders and true champions of reproductive freedom.
Reproductive freedom is a deeply personal issue for me.
At the age of 18, while I was a high school senior, I became pregnant. I was scared and felt alone. My boyfriend at the time wanted me to continue with the pregnancy, but I had plans for my future.
Ever since I was a little girl, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer. I envisioned myself climbing the courthouse steps in my navy blue suit and pencil skirt, with heels clicking on the cement. I saw myself carrying my briefcase, ready to take on the world and defend people who could not defend themselves.
There was no way I could have had a child at that time. Not only did I have my future all planned out, but I also had no money. Hell, I was a child myself.
I was fortunate – abortion was a viable legal option for me and the best decision for me. I have never had a moment of regret. I am now in my sixties, happily married with three beautiful daughters and a grandchild on the way. I never became a lawyer, but after graduating high school I was able to attend college and obtain a degree — something I would not have been able to accomplish had I not had the abortion.
Mark Robinson can talk out of both sides of his mouth all he wants. I for one am not going to be fooled by his latest reinvention of his platform.
His extreme positions are well documented and it’s clear that if he becomes governor, he will work to take away our personal freedoms and my daughters will have less rights than I did 40 years ago.
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