Michael Morgan contends he is the most qualified to lead the Tar Heel state after serving on the bench for more than 30 years in four different judgeships.
How the Future of Free and Fair Elections May Be at Risk After Supreme Court Picks Up NC Gerrymandering Case
Everything you need to know about a NC case at the Supreme Court that could potentially have far-reaching implications for American democracy.
‘Jim Crow 2.0’: Voting Rights Groups Denounce GOP Rewrite of NC Voting Laws
After a documented decade of GOP gerrymandering and voter suppression in North Carolina, Republicans are sponsoring a controversial new bill called the “Election Integrity Act.”
Election HQ: Cardinal & Pine’s Live Blog on NC’s 2020 Election
With a recount likely in the race for chief justice of the NC Supreme Court, Paul Newby holds a lead over Cheri Beasley.
With Thousands of Ballots in Limbo, Federal Judge Delays Ruling on NC Absentee Ballots
Voting rights advocates say that NC is running out of time before Election Day to decide what to do with thousands of absentee ballots.
A Few Lawsuits Later, The Courts Made Voting in NC in 2020 More Fair. Here’s What You Need to Know.
An attorney at the Southern Coalition for Social Justice tells us what we need to know about voter ID, new maps, and voting in a pandemic.
Cardinal Votes: Your Guide to Voting in North Carolina in 2020
Pandemic or not, we’re voting. Here’s a one-stop shop for how to vote in North Carolina in the 2020 election.