
Good News Friday: This NC HBCU Wants to Make Real Estate Less White

Good News Friday: This NC HBCU Wants to Make Real Estate Less White

One of North Carolina's most respected HBCUs, NC Central, has a real estate program that hopes to make the industry more diverse. (Image via NC Central's Instagram page)

By Leah Sherrell

July 21, 2023

Our weekly roundup of all things positive in NC gets into heavy metal, a venerated NC HBCU saving the bees, and making real estate a more diverse industry.

Here’s our weekly round-up of good news in North Carolina, including some cool news out of a NC HBCU.

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NCCU One-of-a-Kind MBA Program 

N.C. Central, a Durham-based historically Black college, has a history of teaching game-changers.  Now they want to change the real estate industry- a predominantly white field. 

Three years ago, NCCU had the idea to create an MBA Real Estate program. While their initial goal was to graduate 15 students every semester, 18-20 will graduate this fall and 30-45 students are enrolled for the next semester.  

They are currently the only HBCU in the nation with an MBA Real Estate program, but Anthony Nelson, the dean of the NCCU School of Business, told QCityMetro that he hopes it will “inspire other HBCUs.”

Hope for the Bees (and How You Can Help)

Good News Friday: This NC HBCU Wants to Make Real Estate Less White


NC State researchers Hannah Levenson and David Tarpy are committed to finding solutions to save North Carolina’s native bee population. They studied areas with many different kinds of native grasses and wildflowers, and found that when there are many species of flowers and lots of blooms, more bees were attracted to the area and could be supported there. 

So if you want to brighten up your yard and save the bees, try planting native wildflowers!

Asheville is the Best Place For Camping in the U.S. 

In April 2023, Name Bubbles (a label company that helps parents stay organized) did a study and released a list of U.S. cities with the best camping spots, and Asheville came out on top.  

The study was based on things like the number of hiking trails, campgrounds, national parks, and the average temperature, chance of rain, sun, as well as several other factors. Asheville has nine 5-star campgrounds (!!) – way more than the average (3.7) most cities have. 

Alice Cooper comes to Wilmington 

Good News Friday: This NC HBCU Wants to Make Real Estate Less White


Hard rock fans will be especially happy to hear that Alice Cooper is adding another North Carolina stop to his tour in October. He’ll be in Raleigh on Aug. 29 and has added a stop in Wilmington on Oct. 5th. Tickets are now on sale. 


  • Leah Sherrell

    Leah Sherrell is a multimedia reporter for Cardinal & Pine. A graduate of UNC-Wilmington, she's a resident of Kernersville with a background in video production and communication. Leah uses many forms of media to explore the multifaceted lifestyles and cultures present in North Carolina.

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